English as a Second Language

Young children benefit cognitively from learning more than one language. For ELLs, transitioning from their first language to English before they have a strong foundation in their mother tongue can have long-lasting negative academic and linguistic effects. Early childhood teachers should understand that acquiring more than one language does not delay the acquisition of English or interfere with academic achievement in English when both languages are supported. On the contrary, research on children who acquire English after their home language has been developed shows that young children can learn more than one language during the primary school years and that this bilingual ability offers long-term academic, cultural, and economic advantages. Neuroscientists and psycho-linguists point to the positive effects of learning two languages during the infant-toddler years and also to the human brain’s broad capacity to learn multiple languages. In addition, young children learning two languages have more neural activity in the parts of the brain associated with language processing. This increased brain activity can have long-term positive effects on cognitive abilities, such as those that require focusing on the details of a task and knowing how language is structured and used.
Young ELLs with extended learning opportunities in their home language consistently outperform those who attend English-only programs on standardized tests in English during the middle and high school years. Research shows the link between high-quality preschool programs and higher academic achievement in school, lower special education referral rates, higher rates of high school graduation, and increased college attendance. Implementation of appropriate education practices is especially important for PK ELLs. (Logan Square 2023 / Spanish)
Illinois Home Language Survey
Young Children and the Bilingual Brain
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