Welcome to D123 — Preparing today’s learner for tomorrow’s world.

Oak Lawn-Hometown District 123 is a dynamic and supportive environment that ignites lifelong learners who embrace diversity and contribute positively to our community and global society.
February may be the shortest month of the year but it was filled with activities that f...
In 100 days, students have spent countless hours mastering new skills, solving problems...
This week at Hannum School, students were excited because the Bear Booth was open! ...
First-grade students at Hannum Elementary recently wrapped up their Early Civilizations...
This Friday at Hannum, students celebrated Pi Day in the sweetest way possible-by ...
March Madness has arrived in our 5th grade Math Enrichment class, bringing a full-court...
February may be the shortest month of the year but it was filled with activities that f...
In 100 days, students have spent countless hours mastering new skills, solving problems...
This week at Hannum School, students were excited because the Bear Booth was open! ...
First-grade students at Hannum Elementary recently wrapped up their Early Civilizations...
This Friday at Hannum, students celebrated Pi Day in the sweetest way possible-by ...
March Madness has arrived in our 5th grade Math Enrichment class, bringing a full-court...
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