
District-Wide Chorus Festival Celebrates Music Education

Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 chorus groups joined forces for a vibrant choral festival on Thursday, March 20 at Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School. This event was made extra special by the timeliness as it was both Teach Music Week and Music in Our School Month.

All five District 123 elementary school choruses and two OLHMS chorus groups shared their talents with an extravagant combined performance as the grand finale. 

Rebecca Hemminger directed the Hannum and Hometown Choruses, Nicky Glikis directed the Sward Chorus, and Cheri Brodsky directed the Covington and Kolmar Choruses. Kayla Hughes led the OLHMS Sunrise Singers and Concert Chorus. 

The D123 chorus festival not only celebrated the joy of music but also reinforced the commitment to arts education within the community and demonstrated the dedication of students and staff through masterful musical performances.

Watch the concert here:

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