We can't be-leaf our eyes! For the past 12 years, District 123 has organized a Community Leaf Raking Event brining together families and students for a community service opportunity. This year over 120 volunteers worked to rake, collect and compost leaves from the yards of senior residents in the Oak Lawn and Hometown communities that would otherwise not be able to rake themselves. Families and students from all District 123 school participated in the event, and after the morning of raking, were treated to a warm drink and lunch at OLHMS.
Following the event, leaf bags were picked up and transported to the D123 community garden to form the base of a compost that will be used during next year's planting season. District 123 hosts and maintains the only community garden in the state of Illinois on the former site of McGugan Junior High School. The District 123 community garden was also recognized with an Illinois Governors Hometown Award in 2018. The D123 community garden is a initiative that provides a gardening outlet for many residents but also provides much needed supplements of fresh fruit and vegetables for local food pantries that support many needy families in our community. This year the community gardening effort has produced over 3500 lbs of fresh produce for community families in need.
"The community garden initiative and leaf raking event together are two shining examples that highlight our dedication as a school district community to the service and support of our entire community. We are so proud of these efforts as they form tremendous connections and bonds within our school system and beyond."
-Paul Enderle, Superintendent