Welcome to Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123! The mission of School District 123 is, Preparing Today’s Learner for Tomorrow’s World. As I reflect upon District 123 and the work we do together there is always one common truth that is consistently apparent within our culture — people matter. This truth comes from the many stories within our classrooms, friendly daily interactions, and conversations about our schools; it’s simple, the best students, staff, and families in the world learn together here in District 123 each day.
The Board of Education and I set out to encapsulate the hopes and dreams of our entire learning community through our strategic plan development process. We were fortunate to engage hundreds of faculty, staff, students, and community members in focus groups, surveys, workshops, and community events. Together, we developed a long-range plan for the future and are excited to move forward with renewed focus and direction.
Our concentration will follow the mission and vision of the new strategic plan and be set around attaining five (5) goals:
1. A Culture of Academic Success: Building strong academic foundations, preparedness, and growth
2. Supportive and Safe Schools: Cultivating a nurturing environment that supports student well-being and character development
3. Maintaining a Thriving Workforce: Building and sustaining a strong, diverse, and committed team
4. Operational Excellence: Ensuring resources and facilities meet evolving district needs
5. Community Engagement and Partnerships: Building strong, reciprocal relationships with the community
These goals will serve to develop clarity of purpose and a positive direction for School District 123. As a high performing and supportive school district, we are both optimistic and confident that our strategic plan will contribute to helping each child receive whatever they need to develop to their full academic and social potential and to thrive, every day.
We are proud that you are each a part of School District 123, and we will continue to strive each day toward our current vision of becoming a dynamic and supportive environment that ignites lifelong learners who embrace diversity and contribute positively to our community and global society. All of our schools maintain an open door philosophy, so please stay engaged.
Paul J. Enderle, Ed.D.
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