Anti-Harassment Information
Our goal at Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School is to provide all students with a quality education and a safe environment in which to learn. To make that possible, District 123 is committed to making sure that harassment and discrimination is never tolerated at OLHMS. This includes harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin or any other distinguishing characteristic.
Discrimination can take many forms. Using racial slurs, making fun of someone because of the color of their skin and insulting a classmate because they were born in another country are all examples of harassment.
Any student who has been harassed in any way should immediately report the harassment to a member of the District 123 staff, including teachers, counselors or administrators. Just as importantly, students who witness others being harassed are also strongly encouraged to report those incidents. Students will not be subjected to retaliation of any kind for reporting harassment or for participating in a harassment investigation.
All complaints of harassment or discrimination will be investigated promptly. If an investigation determines a student engaged in harassment or committed any act that creates a hostile environment at OLHMS, that student will face serious consequences, which could include loss of privileges, suspension or expulsion. District 123 will escalate its response as necessary to make sure all students can fully participate in the educational process without being subjected to a hostile environment.
Any student who experiences discrimination, harassment or a hostile environment will be given the opportunity for counseling and other services designed to remedy the situation.
Harassment is specifically prohibited under District Board Policy 7:20 “Harassment of Students Prohibited” and is also addressed in the Discipline Policy Handbook’s section on “Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation.”
Harassment complaints may be filed under the District’s “Uniform Grievance Procedure,” which is Board Policy 2:260. Superintendent Paul Enderle serves as the District’s Non-Discrimination Coordinator and complaints of discrimination or harassment may be submitted through the District’s Complaint Managers:
Angela Goetz
- English Learner Program Director
- 708-423-0150
Michael Loftin
- Business Manager
- 708-423-0150
Copies of the Board Policies and the OLHMS Discipline Policy Handbook are available here:
Making sure that students at OLHMS can learn in an environment free from harassment and discrimination is a priority at District 123. We are asking students, parents and staff to work together on this issue to ensure that we meet that goal.

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