
The Case of the Missing Numerators

The Case of the Missing Numerators

On Thursday, January 16, 2025 thirty fourth and fifth grade students from Sward Elementary's Fall Drama Club performed an original play, "The Case of the Missing Numerators". This comic mystery play written by Drama Club parent volunteer director, Carly Bishop, focused on fourth grade math concepts such as multiplication tables, prime numbers, adding and subtracting fractions and the Order of Operations. In the play, three detectives must help a group of fourth grade students find Numerator who has been "number-napped" with the help of super heroes: Product, Quotient, Sum, Difference and of course, The Denominator while fighting off foes, Prime and Factor. 

The Drama Club consists of students in both 4th and 5th grades who have an interest in theatrical arts, student actors learn to devlop a sense of stage presence, how to project their voices, how to work as a team which in turn builds confidence, problem-solving skills and teaches students how to work under pressure. The crew performs all the special effects including operating the sound board, running the lights, producing live sound effects and preparing props and changing the set for the actors & actresses. 

The students and staff gathered in the Sward main gym for the performance, all students were entertained and amused by the on-stage production. The show also had an evening performance for Sward family and friends. A special thanks to all the hard work by our Sward actors and stage technicians for putting together such a wonderful show and also to Mrs. Keblusek and Mrs. Bishop for all your time working with these budding actors and actresses. If you were unable to attend and would like to see the performance please click this link. Well done Drama Club, BRAVO! 

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