
WIN means What I Need!

WIN means What I  Need!

In D123, all students have a block of time for more personalized instruction based on their skills in math and reading to continually ensure student growth and progress. This individualized practice is called WIN (What I Need). Students at Sward Elementary are engaged in meaningful learning experiences that are designed to enrich their knowledge or support gaps in understanding. Sward has an "all hands on deck" philosophy during WIN block in which classroom teachers, interventionists, enrichment teachers, English Langugage teachers and resources teachers all work together to help provide our students with what they need to succeed. Students have two thirty-minute WIN block periods per school day in which no new curriculum material is being introduced. Students are grouped by needs and switch classes where the focus of the activities/lessons can be on what speciifc skills these students need to work on. During WIN block students might be working on iXL skills, center activities, guided reading, small group work or working directly with the teacher. A variety of activities/experiences are happening daily in each classroom, ask your child to tell you what they worked on in WIN block today and see what they tell you!

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