On May 14, 2021, students and staff members from Kolmar School and Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School participated in a walk-a-thon for the Live Like Abby Foundation and raised over $22,000!
Abby Wujcik’s was a 6-year-old student at Kolmar Elementary School when she was diagnosed with a pediatric brain tumor. After a courageous 15 month battle, she died from the disease at age 8. Her parents, Kristyn and Kevin Wujcik joined with the John McNicholas Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation as Live Like Abby to honor her and help raise funds for pediatric brain tumor research.
All proceeds from the walk-a-thon will go toward furthering the Live Like Abby mission of funding research set on curing and improving treatment children affected by the terrible disease. As part of the John McNicholas Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, Live Like Abby is extremely proud that their efforts so far have resulted in funding over $2 million in pediatric brain tumor research.
Donations for the walk-a-thon and the Live Like Abby Foundation can be made at : http://www.livelikejohn.org/abby/lla-walkathon/
LLA-2021 - Curated tweets by OLHD123