The early childhood program at Kolmar School recently hosted a “Junk Art Show.” Each class recently completed an art project at the end of the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle learning unit. All of the students have been working hard to create fun sculptures and art projects made out of only recycled items.
Our classrooms collected all different objects and pictures related to trash and recycling throughout the project. This was such a fun way for the students to explore new ways of working with different materials. It was a great way to show off the children’s creativity and talent. -Heather Hozzian, Early Childhood Educator
The art was publicly displayed for students and families during the recent Live Like Abby walk-a-thon.
The families were very impressed with the work their child created! They have been following alongside with our unit and helping us gather materials from home to use in the classroom. They were very impressed with the connections the children made with recycling! -Heather Hozzian, Early Childhood Educator