
Sward's Drama Club presents...

On a rainy Thursday afternoon last week, Sward students were invited to the dress rehearsal performance of the Drama Club's Spring Play, called "The Friendly Feud." Students and staff were entertained and amused by the dazzling performance given by the Drama Club.

The play called "The Friendly Feud", takes place in an elementary school plagued by what teachers describe as an escalating “student feud,” four students find themselves in the principal’s office after a “Rainbow War” happened on the playground. In order to discover who is at fault, the principal decides to play a game with the students, who are then whisked into a tv studio and onto the sound stage of the game show, “The Friendly Feud.” As the game starts heating up, the students discover the real cause of the feud: miscommunication and misunderstanding.

“The Friendly Feud,” written by Carly Bishop, focuses on SEL topics such as social awareness, decision making, communication, using “I statements,” and relationship skills building upon the skills students are learning in the District’s “Second Step” program.

The cast and crew consist of 57 4th and 5th grade students. Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Keblusek co-direct with help from parent volunteers Mrs. Canty, Mrs. Cutler and Mrs. Delamora. An evening performance was provided for friends and families to come enjoy as well. Well done Drama Club, BRAVO! 

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