

Live Community

January 20, 2020 – Today, Superintendent Paul Enderle hosted the D123 Live Commun...


Looking forward to all of our students heading back to hybrid in-person next week. Than...

virtual band

Without being able to hold traditional performances in person, OLHMS band directors hav...

Live Community

January 13, 2020 – Today, Superintendent Paul Enderle hosted the D123 Live Commun...

This Week in Pictures

Welcome back #D123! Thank you for making the first week back to school so great! Take a...

NJHS Induction Ceremony

2020 NJHS Induction Ceremony

December 22, 2020

Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School welcomed 68 new members into the National Junior Honor ...

This Week in Pictures

Tis’ the season to be jolly at District 123! Spirit week themes are making spirit...


Take a step inside the virtual classrooms at District 123 where students and teachers a...

Host Feed6

On Saturday, January 30, 2021, Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School will be hosting the annu...

December Calendar

The printable District 123 December Calendar is now available for download! Click below...


Starting Wednesday, December 2, 2020 families can pick up meal packs at Oak Lawn-Hometo...


The following is a letter sent to all District 123 families pertaining to information f...

Remote Learning

November 17, 2020 – The following is a letter that was sent from Superintend...

Putting Roots

Oak Lawn-Hometown District 123 has always had a fantastic partnership with the surround...

Veterans Day

Visits through a window, small classroom celebrations, and donations of candy to our lo...


November 11, 2020 – The following is a letter that was sent from Superintend...


Step into District 123 classrooms as students are actively learning and enjoying the se...


OLHMS Teacher, Heather McCarthy got quite the surprise during class this morning when C...

Trimester 2

The opportunity for District 123 families to choose their Trimester 2 Instructiona...


Virtual Family Conferences start today in District 123. Here is all you need to know to...

Unity Day

Unity Day at District 123

October 15, 2020

October 21, 2020 marks Unity Day at District 123. The District-wide celebration calls f...


In order to attend the first-ever D123 Drive-Thru Spooktacular families will need to si...


This week at District 123 students are investigating properties of a common kitchen ite...


There will be a District-wide late start on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. Several time...

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