
Valentine's Day Treat from Erika's Lighthouse Club

Valentine's Day Treat from Erika's Lighthouse Club

On Valentine’s Day, our Erika’s Lighthouse Teen Empowerment Club, sponsored by OLHMS counselors Mrs. Vanessa Follmar and Colleen Hoeksema, had a special treat and spread the love to all OLHMS students. 

Students involved in Erika’s Lighthouse wanted every student at OLHMS to receive something this Valentine’s Day. With a focus on mental health and wellness, Erika’s Lighthouse wanted to spread a message: please talk with someone now or later, help is available. Each student received a piece of paper with a positive message and a piece of Now or Later candy. At the beginning of the day during advisory, students received individual treats organized by their peers in Erika’s Lighthouse. 

Thank you to our Erika’s Lighthouse members and club sponsors for all your hard work and dedication!

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