
Erika’s Lighthouse Wall of Inspiration

Erika’s Lighthouse Wall of Inspiration

The Erika’s Lighthouse Teen Empowerment Club (ELTEC) continues to give OLHMS scholars a chance to make a positive difference at school and normalize mental illness, promote positive mental health, and build a culture of inclusiveness throughout the year. Spearheaded by OLHMS Counselors Vanessa Follmar and Colleen Hoeksema, this club has allowed OLHMS students to help themselves and their peers through different struggles and obstacles. 

Last week, scholars participated in an Erika's Lighthouse Teen Empowerment Club school-wide activity: Wall of Inspiration. For Mental Health Awareness Week, club members greeted OLHMS scholars during the lunch periods and provided positive mental health bookmarks along with encouraging participation in sharing some awesome quotes.

ELTEC club members hung these quotes in the cafetorium and our scholars’ contributions are now on display for all to see. OLHMS is grateful for the Wall of Inspiration and the continued work from the ELTEC club!

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