
Kolmar Glow Run

Kolmar Glow Run

The Kolmar PTA organized and ran an AMAZING glow run fundraiser for our school through Families were encouraged to donate money leading up to the big event- the glow run on February 28th. Students were asking their donors to sponsor how many laps they and their classmates could do during the event. On the big day, students participated in a super fun glow run during their PE time. The gym was blacked out to make room for all of the glowing neon and white the students were wearing and the PTA decorated the gym with! Students loved running and walking along to the music, especially through the fun blow up tunnel! There were different themed laps like dancing laps, skipping, jumping, etc. Students had an absolute blast, and so did the teachers! Mrs. Kicho, our PE teacher, took over 18,000 steps! Wow! The PTA was raising funds to help beautify our school. We are going to add some decals and designs in common areas like the bathroom, multipurpose room, and gym. We also are going to eliminate the Spring party fee, and use the proceeds from the fundraiser for the party. We started out with a goal of $10,000 and we raised more than double!! We raised over $22,000. AMAZING! We are so grateful to all who donated. The Kolmar school community is such an amazing one to be a part of!


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