During the week of February 10th-14th Kolmar students celebrated kindness week! Each day had a different theme and students were able to wear: a fancy outfit, hats, their favorite colors, school spirit gear, and pink or red. On the final day of kindness week, Valentine’s Day, students paired up with their buddy class. Grades 2 and 3 worked together, 4 and K, and 1 and 5. Students all worked on different crafts together. The main activity they worked on was that each child and adult in the school was given a post it note to write a kind note to someone in our school building. Then the post its were added to a bulletin board at the front of the school near the main office. This bulletin board looks so awesome and it puts a smile on everyone's faces when they walk by. It is so special to see all the kind notes pouring out into our school!
Kolmar is Kind
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