
Day of Play

Day of Play

Students had fun playing a board game during the day of play

In a fun-filled celebration of positive behavior, students across all grade levels at Hometown teamed up for an exciting day of board games, marking the Trimester 2 PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support) reward.

The PBIS system aims to encourage students to engage in positive behaviors throughout the school year, with rewards given for showing responsibility, respect, and safety in the classroom and beyond. After a successful trimester filled with acts of kindness, responsibility, and hard work, the school decided to celebrate these achievements in a way that would foster teamwork, cooperation, and pure fun: a school-wide day of board games.

Throughout the day, students from different grades formed teams to compete in classic board games like Monopoly, Connect Four, Battleship, and Scrabble. This unique team-up allowed younger and older students to work together, build connections, and learn the importance of collaboration and good sportsmanship.

“The idea was to create a rewarding experience where students could take a break from their usual routine and bond with their peers in a relaxed setting,” explained Ms. Kapelinski. “We are incredibly proud of the way our students have embraced the PBIS principles, and this reward is a reflection of their consistent hard work.”

Teachers and staff members acted as facilitators for the games, helping to guide the students and encourage positive interaction. Each game station was set up throughout the school, and students rotated between the different areas, learning new games and strategies along the way. The event not only gave students a chance to relax and have fun but also provided valuable moments for learning how to handle challenges in a game, such as patience, resilience, and teamwork.

"This has been such a great way to reward the students, and it's also been fantastic to see the older students helping the younger ones," said Ms. Korduck, a 5th-grade teacher. "It shows how well the PBIS program is working to build a positive school culture where everyone supports each other."

As the day drew to a close, the smiles and laughter shared among students echoed throughout the hallways. With PBIS principles shining through, the event not only served as a fun reward but also as a reminder of the importance of kindness and respect within the school community.

“We look forward to more rewarding days like this, where we can celebrate the positive behaviors that make our school such a great place to learn,” said Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Sweetser. “This is just one of many ways we’re building a strong, supportive community here at Hometown.”

The PBIS reward day was a huge success!  It was an afternoon of fun and laughter for all of the students.  

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