Shearing the sheep down on the farm.
The kindergarten class at Hometown School wrapped up their exciting CKLA farm unit with some hands-on centers. These activities helped bring the lessons they’ve been learning to life! Students eagerly participated in four farm-themed centers, each designed to teach them about life on the farm in a fun, interactive way.
The activity stations included:
Milk the Cow: Students took turns pretending to milk a cow model.
Shear the Sheep: Using clothespins, kids learned about how farmers shear sheep for wool by picking the cotton balls off the sheep.
Roll the Pig in Mud: The kids loved rolling their pigs in pretend mud, mimicking one of a pig’s favorite activities on the farm. They took shaving cream, brown paint and a ziploc bag and patted their pigs until they were all “covered in mud.”
Feed the Animals: Finally, the children fed the “farm animals” corn.
In addition to these stations, the class was treated to a special visit from Farmer Craig Zelhart. Craig not only serves as our District Resource Officer, but he owns and runs his own family farm Farmer Craig shared stories about how his family cares for animals and the hard work that goes into farming every day. The students were thrilled to ask questions and even got to see real farm tools up close!
"The kids loved every minute of it," said Mrs. Gomez, the kindergarten teacher. The farm-themed day gave students the opportunity to work on sensory play, fine motor skills, and counting. It also helped foster teamwork and creativity as students worked together in each center. This hands-on learning experience was the perfect conclusion to a month of exploring farm life.