Racing good times
It is hard to imagine that the school year is almost over. The hallways will soon be quiet once again. Lockers and desks will be empty, and classrooms will be packed up into boxes. Soon...we will say goodbye to another group of 5th grade students and wish them well as they head off to Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School in the fall. We are so proud of all their accomplishments they have made over their six years in our building. To celebrate these wonderful children, the students were given a chance to attend the 5th grade celebration at Hollywood Park in Crestwood on Sunday May 5. Students gathered together with their friends and families to play games, eat pizza, race go karts, and drive bumper cars. The laughter and smiles from all the students showed how much fun they had together. We are so thankful for our school community for hosting this event for the kids. Everyone had an amazing time. We will miss our 5th grade class and wish them the best and they begin the next chapter in their education.