Dr. Turkey and her little friends enjoying the Thanksgiving Feast.
It has become a yearly tradition at Hometown School for the Kindergarten class to celebrate Thanksgiving with their families the week before break. This year, the annual feast was held on November 15. Families were able to attend with their child and enjoy some fun entertainment by the kids, turkey, stuffing, fruits and vegetables, and of course some yummy desserts. The feast began with a performance of some Thanksgiving favorites like "Mr. Turkey" and "Five Little Turkeys." After that, the food was ready and the feasting began! Moms, Dads, Grandmas, Grandpas and other families got to sit and eat with their little turkeys and enjoy some quality time. Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Brenda Sweetser said, "We have been incorporating this event to help provide a strong home/school connection at Hometown. By allowing the families to come in and celebrate this holiday with their kids, they get sit and chat with other parents allowing opportunies for community to be built. They also get to meet their children's friends and perhaps offer opportunities to exchange contact information allowing for get togethers outside of the school." The parents and kids were surprised when the turkey came running into our feast! She made some new friends and no one tried to eat her up! Thank you to Dr. Bencik, Hometown Staff and all the families who helped make this event possible.