Firefighter Dan let the students come up and see that under all of that just a friendly guy who is there to help you.
Fire safety is a topic that is talked about in schools from an early age. However, students rarely get a first hand visual of what a firefighter looks like in their full gear. For a lot of kids, if they were ever stuck in a fire, and a firefighter came looking for them in their coat, boots, hat and oxygen mask, the firefighter may look scary. The Hometown Fire Dept. wants students to know that behind all their protective gear, there is a kind and helpful firefighter. On Tuesday, October 10, the students were lucky enough to get the father/son duo from Hometown to come and explain different fire safety rules to the kids. First, if there is a fire, dial 911!!! They also explained to the children how important it is to know their address so they can tell the 911 operator where they live. Also, if you can.. get out and stay out! Find a meeting place with your family and get out of the house as quickly and as safely as you can. Finally, if you were ever in a situation where you find your clothes on fire...stop, drop and roll.
These firefighters then loaded up in their gear and had the kids come up and touch their boots, coats, and face mask to see that it was still Firefighter Dan under all that protective equipment. He may look scary (some said he looked like Darth Vadar!!), but he was still there to protect them and help get them to safety. So if there is a fire, don't hide!! Yell out and ask for help. The firefighters are there to protect you...they are true superheroes.