Students were shown the art of using a yo-yo.
Hometown Elementary enjoyed a school-wide character education assembly this week that centered around The NED Show. NED is a loveable cartoon character whose name is an acronym for Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best. The NED Show is simple, relatable and kid-focused. The show included story telling, humor, student interaction and yo-yo tricks. This school assembly has been around for over 25 years, and has used yo-yo tricks in their school performances. Why yo-yo tricks??? This bit of old-fashioned fun helps the presenters be entertaining and unforgettable in the mind of a child. They continue to share how “NED” learns to never give up, encourage others and do his best. They also share that while yo-yoing is cool and simple, it’s not always easy. Everyone who learns to yo will make mistakes along the way. Students are told that if they try yo-yoing, it’s important to learn from mistakes and never give up. Teachers and parents often see children practice persistence and find great enjoyment in doing their personal best. Best of all, this “NED mindset” is infinitely transferable to school subjects! The focus of the assembly is to
Improve Student Behavior
Strengthen Test Scores
Enrich Instructional Time
Increase Academic Achievement
Complement Existing School Themes
Enhance Motivational Climate at School
After the show, students were given the opportunity throughout the week to purchase a NED yo-yo. They are encouraged to try and learn the art of "yo-yoing" and to never give up!