Congratulations Aiden.
Aiden Bond is a kindergarten student in Miss Dow's CASE classroom. Recently, he was honored at the 38th annual Outstanding Technology Achievement Awards dinner & celebration held at Gaelic Park. The goal of the awards program is to celebrate the accomplishments of learners who attend schools in the Infinitec Southwest Coalition area and have demonstrated outstanding achievement in overcoming challenges and accomplishing personal goals using technology. Aiden's nomination was submitted by Speech Pathologist Mrs. Julie Carey, Mrs. Kennedy and classroom teacher Miss Dow. After reviewed by a committee, he was 1 of 12 students chosen to receive the award this year. Aiden truly shows us everyday that being non-speaking doesn't mean he has nothing to say, he just has a different way of telling us. He is eager to communicate throughout his day and spends a lot of time exploring his device and learning pathways to new words. One of his strengths is his ability to use his device to comment on things he notices in his environment. For example, one time he noticed another student wearing an outer space shirt, and he independently said "astronaut" and pointed to the student's shirt. Aiden also LOVES having new words programmed into his device by his speech pathologist. She is the only one who does the programming on his device and when he indicates his desire for a new word by telling her "please add a new word to my device." He then pressing a blank button to indicate exactly where he wants a word added. This includes Aiden requesting for every teacher and student he interacts with to have their name and picture programmed onto his "people" page. We are so proud of him!