February was a month full of celebrations!
February may be the shortest month of the year but it was filled with activities that fostered community, learning, and positive behavior. In support of our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support) goals, students participated in a special week dedicated to "Spreading Kindness Like Confetti." Through various activities with grade-level buddies, students embraced the power of kindness, showing respect and support for one another.
In honor of Black History Month, students celebrated the rich cultural heritage and influential contributions of Black leaders throughout history. This month-long observance started each day during Mrs. Doornbos' morning announcements in which she would read a description of a figure and classrooms had to call in to identify who it was.
To celebrate the second trimester last week, eligible students partcipated in a Buddy Bingo Event. Students paired up with their grade-level buddies while Mrs. Doornbos called out BINGO. This activitiy strengthens friendships and builds a supportive school community as our older students act as role models for their younger counter parts.
Further rewarding positive behavior, students also enjoyed shopping at the Bear Booth this past Thursday. This monthly privilege not only recognizes good behavior, but also encourages students to continue making positive choices in order to purchase things from the store that they have been saving up for over mulitple months. One item was $500 Bear Bucks which equals some BEARY positive behavior this year.
February at Hannum School was truly a celebration of kindness, learning, and community spirit. We look forward to carrying this positive momentum into the next trimester!!!