Hannum students our recognized for their academic accomplishments this past Thursday.
Hannum has been celebrating all of the accomplishments of our Bears these last few days. Last Friday, 5th grade students had their own special recognition day. Parent volunteers and teachers organized four-square games, inflatable jumpies, and pizza for the students to enjoy as they end their elementary career at Hannum and get ready to move on to OLHMS.
First through fifth grade students also had academic recognition on Thursday. Parents were invited to celebrate their students in the areas of: reading, math, attendance, and growth on MAP throughout the school year. Students also received Bear Behavior awards and encore teachers (art, music, PE, library) awarded students that exceeded in those subject areas.
Mrs. Doornbos and Hannum teachers are very proud of the accomplishments of our Bears this year. We close out this 23-24 school year feeling thankful and proud of our relationships. It was a special day to recognize our Hannum Community and their growth and acknowledge the collective effort between school and families to achieve the maximum success for our students.
Have a wonderful summer break Bears!!! We will see you back in August.