Hannum/Hometown chorus performed with OLHMS chorus last night.
About 18 students from Hannum and 20 from Hometown joined the OLHMS choruses for a joint concert last night, March 21st at 7pm. Hannum/Hometown sang an uplifting text in "Birdsong" by Paul Read and then did some scat singing in the jazz favorite, "On the Sunny Side of the Street," arranged by Steve Zegree. The combined choruses sang "America the Beautiful," which was a lovely arrangement of a classic patriotic song by Ruth Elaine Schram. Then they ended with "Why We Sing," by Greg Gilpin, a song which was filled with hope and unity! It was the choruses favorite selection! Only rehearsing once a week for 25 minutes since January, the elementary choruses were able to perform with stunning accuracy of pitch, diction and confidence! Kudos to our wonderful music teachers, Ms. Huges and Mrs. Hemminger for putting together another wonderful performance!