Messages of kindness throughout the halls of Hannum.
Love was in the air at Hannum school this week with both Valentine's Day and Random Acts of Kindness falling within the same week. Themes around kindness included Mindful Monday, Thankful Tuesday, Well-done Wednesday, Thoughtful Thursday and Family Friday. Miss Turek also had students leave post-it notes throughout the hallways and doors of Hannum sharing messages of kindess and posititivity. Messages said, "Believe in yourself", "The only opinion that matters is yours, " and "Dream big, you matter." First grade teachers had 100 Acts of Kindness bulletin boards in the hallway. Students' acts of kindness were written on hearts....over 300 althogether!! It has been very heart-warming to see students being deliberately kind to each other and going out of their way. Although we are happy to see everyone work hards toward our kindness goals this week, we want to see this span all the year through!!!