Mrs. Hemminger rehearses with first grade students for the Winter Music program next Tuesday at Hannum.
Next Tuesday, Kindergarten through Second grade students will peform in the annual Winter Program. Both the winter and spring programs are highlights for students to experience and a joy for families and staff to watch. Did you ever wonder how it all comes together? Mrs. Hemminger explained the process so we can better appreciate what it takes for a concert to take shape.
First, the three elementary music teachers who teach in all 5 elementary schools, search for music to share with each other, considering singing range, text appropriateness, age appropriateness, concepts able to teach and style. They meet during a few late starts and one half day to discuss the ideas they come up with. These meetings occur in September and October for the K-2 concerts. All pieces are ready to be taught by mid-October. Music teachers only see each grade level once a week. Of the three song selections per grade level they try to include a beautiful song or a song that demonstrates vocal technique and skill. The second song highlights various classroom instruments and gives many students the opportunity to play an instrument to accompany a song. The final song is to be a movement piece, focusing on musical form and phrasing, which refines students’ listening skills.
We know how hard Mrs. Hemminger and Mrs. Glikis work to make our Hannum program special. Thank you for taking us inside how you put together this amazing experience for everyone to enjoy each year!