Every year, the different grade levels at Hannum do different countdowns to summer. The students love it because every day in these countdowns promises something fun and exciting. It’s the perfect way for everyone to celebrate the school year and each countdown is equally awesome! Second grade is doing an A, B,C countdown which includes days such as “E is for Exercise,” and “N is for New Name,” day. On new name day, students wore name tags with any name they picked for the day and one student even picked the name Mrs. McGovern! It was an exciting day since we had two Mrs. McGoverns at Hannum! First grade and kindgarten are doing countdowns with different themed days. Each day is a theme such as "Paint Day," "Marker Day," "Chalk Day," "Bubble Day," and "Sunglasses Day." These special days allow teachers to make final memories with students before passing them on to the next grade level.
The Countdown Begins
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