
Positivity Times 150!

Third graders are enjoying a game of "Four Square" during their extra recess.

    For the past few years, Mrs. McGovern has done the "Positive Office Referral Challenge." Towards the end of the year, teachers are given referrals to fill out for students.  These referrals are filled out for good behavior, hard work, and acts of kindness. Mrs. McGovern challenges students to get a certain number of referrals by the last day of school. If the students reach this goal, there is a special surprise on the last day. In the past, Mrs. McGovern has raced in a T-Rex costume and played soccer with the P.E. teachers while they were all dressed in silly costumes. The students go crazy over the surprises!

    This year, Mrs. McGovern has split the school in grade level bands, kindergarten and first grade, second and third grade, and fourth and fifth grade. Each band needs to receive 150 referrals every two weeks to reach their goal. Mrs. McGovern has promised a special surprise during morning drop-off on the last day of school if the goal is met! Students also receive additional rewards, such as an extra recess, every time they reach the goal of 150 referrals in two weeks. So far, everyone is doing great and many grades have earned extra recess. Third graders, which are pictured below, enjoyed the beautiful weather and extra recess last week. Students are working very hard to receive those office referrals! This challenge is a wondeful way to give incentives for good behavior and to end the year on a positive note!

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