March 2025


Date Event
2025-03-05 (Wed) Late Start (9:30 AM) [Early Learning Center]
PreK Late Start AM:9:40-11:10 & PM:1:30-3:00 [Early Learning Center]
2025-03-07 (Fri) Tacos & Trivia (D123 Ed Foundation) [Early Learning Center]
2025-03-13 (Thu) State of the District Dinner(123rd Year, on the 123 day of the School Year) [Early Learning Center]
2025-03-17 (Mon) Board Meeting [Early Learning Center] — 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Business Meeting of Board of Education [Early Learning Center] — 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
2025-03-18 (Tue) ELC Parent Advisory Committee Meeting [Early Learning Center] — 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
2025-03-20 (Thu) ELC Preschool Prom in the City [Early Learning Center] — 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
2025-03-24 (Mon) Spring Break (No School) [Early Learning Center]
2025-03-25 (Tue) Spring Break (No School) [Early Learning Center]
2025-03-26 (Wed) Spring Break (No School) [Early Learning Center]
2025-03-27 (Thu) Spring Break (No School) [Early Learning Center]
2025-03-28 (Fri) Spring Break (No School) [Early Learning Center]
2025-03-31 (Mon) Board Declared Holiday (No School) [Early Learning Center]