Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 will offer a 15-day Summer School Launch and Discovery program at Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School.
Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 chorus groups joined forces for a vibrant choral festival on Thursday, March 20 at Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School.
Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 hosted a State of the District Dinner on March 13, 2025, the 123rd day of the 123rd school year.
Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123’s Communications Specialist, Angeline Schme...
VIEW 2025-2026 CALENDAR During the February 24 Board of Education meeting, the 2025-...
This survey provides a platform for students, teachers, and parents to express their opinions on ways to improve their community's schools.
The past two weeks have been filled with excitement and celebration in Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123!
Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 will commemorate the 123rd school day of its 123r...
The D123 Ed Foundation hosts community events to support innovative district programmin...
The Oak Lawn-Hometown PTA District Council will award three $1,000 scholarships in honor of Helen Whalen, a dedicated volunteer in District 123 schools and the PTA many years ago.
Scheduling for Fall Family Conferences will open on Skyward Family Access on Oct 1 at 10 am.
Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 welcomed Governor JB Pritzker and Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton to the new Oak Lawn-Hometown Early Learning Center...
This month, students in Ms. Carolyn’s, Ms. Franke’s, Ms. Mia’s and Ms...
Covington’s PTO turned an ordinary evening into an action-packed adventure with i...
First-grade students at Hannum Elementary recently wrapped up their Early Civilizations...
To celebrate the end of the 2nd trimester, Kolmar PBIS hosted an all school bingo event...
The OLHMS Esports team made history by hosting and competing in the first-ever Southwes...
Hometown Elementary School recently hosted a fun-filled, nostalgic celebration in honor...
Last Thursday, March 13th was the 123rd Anniversary of District 123 and was also the 12...
This year marked a special milestone for our school district, as D123 celebrated 123 ye...
This Friday at Hannum, students celebrated Pi Day in the sweetest way possible-by ...
School District 123 marked a milestone on March 13, 2025, celebrating both its 123rd da...
The Kolmar PTA provided our students with another great assembly this week. Students en...
On Friday, February 28th, Sward Kindergarten students celebrated the grand finale of th...
Welcome to D123 — Preparing today’s learner for tomorrow’s world.

Oak Lawn-Hometown District 123 is a dynamic and supportive environment that ignites lifelong learners who embrace diversity and contribute positively to our community and global society.
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